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    \| !            |___| iiiiiiii:i::::::::::::::::: |___|            ! |/
     .                     "'''''''''''''''''''''''"                     .
     |\                Game......: ATV Arena v1.0a                        
     | \               Language..: English                                 
     |  \              Developer.: N-Game                                
     |___\             Disks.....: 13x.10.00MB                           
                       Platform..: WinAll                                 
            .          Date......: 18/05/2015                            
            ::.        Genre.....: GAME                         .::
            `                                                     '
            .      ......                             ......      .
            :        ....:.                         .:....        :
            :.        `:::::.                     .:::::'        .:
 `                               `.         :'
 .                                 `:::::::'
 .                                   `:::'
 :                                     '
 |________________ .---------------.
  ________________ | R e l e a s e | I n f o r m a t i o n . .
 |                 `----------------------------- -
   Atv Arena is a racing video game , where you drive the Atv quad moto    
   with a Freestyle mode where you are put into an outdoor arena, unlike   
   the indoor tracks in the other modes. Here you perform tricks in an     
   arena full of ramps and other stunt enhancers.                          
   Get control of a powerful ATV and drive it around the arena             
   performing all sorts of crazy stunts , Jump through hoops to perform    
   stunts and Collect the items present in the maps to complete            
   the levels                                                              

   URL: http://www.n-games-dev.net/atv-arena/                             
 |________________ .---------------.
  ________________ | R e p a c k | N o t e s . .
 |                 `----------------------------- -
 | None this time, we packed it correctly yay! 
 |________________ .---------------.
  ________________ | I n s t a l l | I n f o r m a t i o n . .
 |                 `----------------------------- -
   1.> Unpack                                                             
   2.> Install                                                            
   3.> Play                                                               
 : If ya like the game, dont be a cheap bastard and buy the fucking thing =)
 |________________ .---------------.
  ________________ | N o t e s . .
 |                 `----------------------------- -
 | Shouts to my friends and fuck you to my haters 
 |                                                                         . :
 |                    _____                                         . .: .S! |
 |___________________|     |________ ____________/\  ____ ____ ____ _________|
   |     _     |     |     |      _/   |      _    \|    |    |    |    ___|_
   |     /     |     |     |     |     |_     _     \    |    |    |_____    |
  _|___________|___________|     |______/_____|_____|\  ___________|_________|
 |                         |_____|                    \/                     .
 |                                                                           |
 |   Greetz: ViTALiTY / HTG / VACE / ROGUE / REUNION / CRD / DVT / BrEWrRS   |
 |                                                                           |
                          "What Would Jerry Do?"

'게임 > 릴리즈' 카테고리의 다른 글

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