BAT has released the update v5 for the game “Serpent in the Staglands” for Windows . Enjoy

What’s new:

  • Post Launch Housekeeping!
    We’ve had some reports of a few issues we wanted to get out of the way immediately that slipped into the final build, so we have a quick patch coming out soon that will address:
  • Using the Aptitude-quickbook cursor and clicking away/on the ground, character could no longer move
    Fixed starting cinematic issues
    monsters commanded with Nobility could turn invisible if too far away
  • We’ll have an patch following this that will address:
  • typos in dialogues/menus
    some NPC portraits had a few old images
    other bugs we’ve had reported on the forums
  • After that we should be on schedule for patching any UI feedback and our continued balance patches, along with anything else that comes up.
  • Thanks for the feedback thus far! When the patch is live we’ll post the specific details again.
  • Cheers!

Publisher: Whalenought Studios
Developer: Whalenought Studios
Genre: Adventure, RPG

Size: 26.9MB